2024 Trees
Please note: errors in pricing can happen, all prices final at checkout.
Wd – Well drained
M – Moist
W – Woodland
HR – Humus Rich
DH – Deadhead
S – Sandy
PS – Part Shade
FS – Full Sun
P – Poor
LM – Leaf Mold
F – Fertile
MT – Moisture Retentive
X – Excellent
Gc – Ground Cover
N – Neutral
AC – Acid
A – Alkaline
^ – Winter Protection
PS – usually means that it will require early morning sun & not noonday sun.
BOLD – indicates new this year!
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Image | Species | Culture | Price | Download |
 | Acer pal Bloodgood | sun-ps/M/wd/f/prune-25',deep red-purple deeply cut foliage; winged fruit; an outstanding specimen | $99.99 |  |
 | Acer f Autumn Blaze | sun-ps/M/wd/f/50-60'-fast growing, glorious fall color, dense oval growing habit | $199.99 |  |
 | Acer plat Emerald Queen | sun-ps/M/wd/f/ 40-50'; fast growing, green leaf, great fall color | $229.99 |  |
 | Acer pal Gwen's Delight | sun-ps/M/wd/f- 15 x 15'-'Shirazz Japanese Maple- new foliage emerges pink to green with pink; fall color blazing red | $99.99 |  |
 | Acer plat Harlequinn | sun-ps/M/wd/f-40'-white-variegated light green foliage throughout the season. Leaves turn yellow in fall | $199.99 |  |
 | Acer pal Tamukeyama | sun-ps/M/wd/f -cascades to 8' in 10 yrs; one of the fastest growing dissectums; deep red to purple scarlet in fall. | $99.99 |  |
 | Acer pal Lion's Head | sun-ps/M/wd/f-20', upright; Leaves held in close knit bunches. Give some protection: Crinkled bright green leaves | $99.99 |  |
 | Acer pal Red Pigmy | sun-ps/M/wd/f/5-7'Threadleaf one ofthe best Japanese Maples.mound-shaped tree, with reddish-purple turn scarlet in autumn. | $99.99 |  |
 | Acer r Red Sunset | sun-ps/M/wd/f/50'- pyramid shape with age, turn a brilliant orange-scarlet when temperatures begin to cool | $199.99 |  |
 | Aralia spinosa | sun-ps/hr/M/prune e.spring- 12', thorny stems & leaves, dramatic foliage, white plume flowers, buds & flowers break late | $24.99 |  |
 | Balm of Gilead | sun/M/rich-75'-(Populus balsamifera) fragrant wax saturates winter buds &coats the young leaves in spring gives this tree its name | |  |
 | Cercis can Redbud | F sun/M/wd-30h x 35'w- heart-shaped leaves and striking pink to purplish spring flowers.moderate growth rate | 59.99/3g |  |
 | Cornus kousa Satomi | Sun/ rich/ M/wd/ A&S soil -25'-multi stemmed; slow growing; blooms early white blooms; beneficials | $299.99 |  |
 | Gleditsia tri Sunburst | 85'-vase shaped canopy with bright yellow young pendulous leaves that ripen to a lime green colour soft weeping foliage. | $169.99 |  |
 | Magnolia Leonard Messil | sun-ps/wd/M-15-20' - Fragrant 4" flowers open from purple buds to deep pink with white inside; | $249.99 |  |
 | Magnolia Susan | Sun-ps/Wd/M-10'-( small tree) ompact shrubby habit, slightly fragrant, fuchsia flowers,blooms late April early May. slow-growing | $166.99 |  |
 | Magnolia Royal Star | Sun-ps/Wd/M-15'--slow growing slightly fragrant 3-4" star-shaped WHITE flowers; flowers open before leaves | $229.99 |  |
 | Malus Louisa | Sun-ps/Wd/M-15- 20'- excellent weeper with good disease resistance; Red buds open in spring to single fragrant pink flowers | $179.99 |  |
 | Malus Prarie Fire | Sun/WD/M/F-20'n upright, rounded with a long season of interest. from pinkish-red buds to slightly fragrant, dark pink to red flowers appear in mid-late spring. | $179.99 |  |
 | Morus a pendula | sun/wd/avg-8'-mature pink fruit very tasty; arching branches droop to the ground; lovely specimen tree | $249.99 |  |
 | Popular Silver | Sun/ mostly any soil; 20' closely realted to Aspens; silver-green foliage…pretty…it does send up suckers | $29.99 |  |
 | Prunus c Crimson Pointe | Full sun/avg/M/wd- 20 x 8'- columinar pink flowers in spring with purple foliage all season | $199.99 |  |
 | Salix alba tristis | sun/M/wd/acidic soil-50-75', known as golden weeping willow | $199.99 |  |
 | Tila Boulevard | sun/wd/med M- 60' with limited spread -great street & shade tree' extra large leaves; long cluster of fragrant blooms in summer; | $199.99 |  |
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Helpful Hints
When planting large trees it is important to stake the tree with 3 stakes to keep the wind from shaking the roots loose. Use proper ties so as not to damage the bark. Also before planting, prepare & water the hole well. All newly planted material must be well watered right up to freeze-up.
During the first couple growing seasons, your newly planted tree is expending a lot of energy trying to get its roots established in the soil. It is important NOT to depend on the rain to water deep enough to support healthy roots. Keep grass well away from the tree trunk so as not to do damage from the mower.
“Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.” – Hal Borland