2024 Pots & Containers
We promote only well grown & healthy plant material. We have built our reputation on our quality & are pleased to say we will continue to do so…Please enjoy & feel free to bring your friends to visit us at The Village Nursery.
Please note: errors in pricing can happen, all prices final at checkout.
“Every year we use new soil specially made for containers and slow release fertilizer.”
4.5”- Potted Material: | $5.99 |
Dracaena,Fuschia, Ivy Geraniums,Geraniums, Scaevola, Bacopa,Begonias,, Verbena; Nemesia;Ornamental Grasses | |
Sunpatiens, New Guinea Impatience, Million Bells,Petunias(& wave), Argyanthemum, and so much more | |
6”- large potted plants, Gerbera | $6.99 |
6" Mina's,Cobaea with Trellis(Hairy Legs) | 8.99 & 6" Veggie pots, individually priced |
Jumbo 5.5-Sunfinity Sunflower | $11.99 LRGer POTS-$17.99 |
Jumbo 5.5- Ornamental Annual Grass,Canna.Mandevilla Martha | 11.99 |
3.5"-Geraniums grown from seed: | 2.99 |
3.5"- Ever popular Wave Petunias: | 3.99 |
Patio Tomato Tubs:-large & fruited | $19.99 |
Fertilize 2-3 times a week with 1/2 strength water soluble fertilizer(the blue stuff) & keep plants damp, but not soggy | |
8" Hanging Baskets, assorted contents | 17.99 |
10" Hanging Basket Boston Fern[ very large & full] | $36.99 |
10” Hanging Baskets:(very large & full of growth-large selection] | 21.99 or 3/62.99 =20.99e |
10" Hanging Basket Tomatoes & Strawberry | 17.99 |
12" hanging baskets, plastic | 36.99 |
12" Wire Baskets(filled with flowers growing in a ball) | $46.99- [Solenia Begonia in a Ball $65.99; |
16" Wire Baskets (filled with flowers & growing in a ball) | wave pet $-55.99 (mix $65.99); |
16" pans with Vistas | 46.99 |
24" MONSTER Wave Petunia Baskets | 99.99 |
24”Flower Pouch: very large & full of growth | 17.99 |
8" mum pot…HUGE & GORGEOUS | $10.99 or 3/$29.99 |
perennial paks(4/pak) | 5.99/ mostly 4/pak ;sngpots 3.99 ( 3") pot 4.99 |
annual paks(most contain 6/pak) | 3.99; sml pots 2.99 |
herb paks (contains 4 plants each pak) | 3.99; sml pots 2.99- 4.99 |
Veggie paks(4 or 6 pak) | 3.99; sml pots 2.99- 4.99 |
variety herb patio containers | $15.99 - 29.99 |
Fertilo is an Xcellent natural/organic fertilizer |
Helpful Hints
We will custom fill your containers according to your requests or we will help you to decide what you like. We use new soil every year so you may empty the old soil on your compost pile & wash your pots up nice & spiffy. We will keep your containers until mid June at no extra cost. All lay-a-ways must be picked up by mid June or they will be recycled. Sorry please honor our policy on this. It is also very hot in the greenhouses by this time & your wonderful creations will start to deteriorate in that heat.
Helpful Hint: containers need new soil & a proper slow release fertilizer to keep plants growing & blooming. Always use water soluable (the blue stuff) often Plants grown in containers have special needs. One of the mistakes new gardener make is to use top soil from their in ground garden to pot up their plants.
There are no nutrients, air-space & is too dense for proper drainage & root development. It is important to use a good quatlity potting soil & never the cheapest
one offered by some chain stores. Never ever re-use old soil from your containers for the next year plants..Dump it in your in-ground garden or compost.