2024 Perennials

Perennial packs contain 2-4 plants – $5.99 per pack. Pots start at $4.99.
Please note: errors in pricing can happen, all prices final at checkout.

Key Terms:

Wd – Well drained
M – Moist
W – Woodland
HR – Humus Rich
DH – Deadhead
D – Dry
S – Sandy
PS – Part Shade
FS – Full Sun
P – Poor

SD – Sharply Drained
LM – Leaf Mold
F – Fertile
MT – Moisture Retentive
X – Excellent
Gc – Ground Cover
N – Neutral
AC – Acid
A – Alkaline
^ – Winter Protection
VV – Very Very

PS – usually means that it will require early morning sun & not noonday sun; also all perennial beds should be amended with hummus rich (HR) compost.

BOLD – indicates new this year!

Images Species/Variety Description Price Download
Achillea m Paprika Sun/any/wd-18"; long lasting, hardy red-pink flowers $ 9.99
Achillea Sky Fire Sun/any/wd-10"; foliage & flower red; coompact $ 4.99
Achillea SS Sangria Sun/any/wd-3'-red,white eye; all Achillea attractive to butterflies & hummers $ 16.99
Achillea Summer Berries Sun/any/wd-2'-rose flat-top flowers with pink overtones and creamy white eyes ,early summer to early fall. X cut $ 5.99
Aconitum c Bi-color Sun/shade.wd/hr-4'; best to stake;blue/white;deer resist; long lived $ 12.99
Aconitum fischerii Sun/shade.wd/hr-2'; Lav-blue flowers;Deer resist. Long lived $ 9.99
Actaea s Hillside Black Beauty S-ps/clay/avg M-5' flower spikes ferny, coppery-purple foliage $ 26.99
Adenorpha Fairy Bells S/wd/ 18" early blooming; violet-lavender; clump forming $ 19.99
Aegopodium p Variegatum shade/wdm/Goutweed, GC that quickly forms a dense, weed-proof carpet, even under difficult growing conditions. $ 9.99
Agastache Mango Tango# Sun/vwd/gravel if necessary; fragrant; long bloom time; butterflies/hummers $ 12.99
Ajuga Black Scallop shade/wd/M/HR-4"-ground cover black scallop edge;short spikes of fragrant deep blue flowers $ 9.99
Alcea Chaters Queeny Purple sun/wd/f 26", mid season bloomer, double deep purple-red blooms, dwarf variety, an award winner $ 5.99
Alcea hyb Las Vegas sun/wd/f 5', mid- late blooming, gorgeous single mix blooms, showy flowers, makes a great display $ 5.99
Alcea r Chat dbl Yellow sun/wd/f-8'; double; very stately $ 9.99
Alcea r Mars Magic sun/wd/f-8'-brilliant red colors. single flowers on tall, sturdy stalk $ 5.99
Alcea r nigra sun/wd/f-8'-Deep blackish-purple, single flowers on tall, sturdy stalk $ 5.99
Alcea r Peaches & Dreams Sun/wd-4-6';fully double, peach-colored blossoms which are sometimes tinged with raspberry-pink. $ 5.99
Alcea rosea Blacknight sun/wd/f-8'; single black $ 9.99
Alcea Chaters Magnigicant Dbl Mix sun/wd/f 6', mid- late blooming, gorgeous double mix blooms, showy flowers, tall & stately $ 4.99
Alchemilla mollis sun'ps/wd/8" teeny yellow flower, foliage decorative; self seeds $ 9.99
Allium Chives (herb) wd/ 18"…edible with nice round purple flower heads… $ 8.99
Allium Windy City wd-16"-Rich jewel-toned, rose-purple buds open to orchid-pink flowers Like mini fireworks $ 12.99
Alyssum Aurinia sax Gold Rush sun/wd- low growing prune all Alyssum back by 50% after blooming $ 5.99
Alyssum Gold Kobold sun-wd-great GC; early & bright in color; prune back by 50% after flowering $ 9.99
Amsonia Blue Ice sun-ps/wd/M but not soggy-2'- cut back by 30-50% after flowering to maintain shape; 1st rate garden plant $ 16.99
Amsonia Butterscotch sun/wd 3'-Tall arching stems with long narrow leaves give this plant a very delicate and graceful appearance, LT Blue Fls; E-late summer $ 16.99
Amsonia t Storm Cloud sun/wd/Mbut not soggy-2';blue shades, blooms early. Hardy. Fall interest $ 19.99
Anemone Honorine Jobert Ps/wd/20"-slightly cupped white flowers; A must have late season bloomer; a well behaved grower $ 16.99
Aquilegia Kirigami Rose Pink sun-ps- 22" Rose Pink shades.; long lasting cut flower $ 9.99
Aquilegia EB Blue White sun-ps/wd-12"-compact a profusion of long-spurred, bright blue and white flowers. late spring to early summer, $ 4.99
Aquilegia EB Red White sun-ps/wd-12"-compact a profusion of long-spurred, bright red and pale yellow flowers. late spring to early summer, $ 4.99
Aquilegia v Bk Barlow sun-ps-2-3'- dbl rich purple black flowers;remove faded stems to promote re-bloom $ 9.99
Armeria Dreamland s/wd-15" Pink; very versatile & attractive to beneficials; deer resis $ 16.99
Arenaria m Blizz cmpt S/wd- early;8"; Sandwort; attractive to pollinators $ 5.99
Artemesia Silver Lining S/poor;16" x 30; broadly dissected silver leaves $ 19.99
Artemesia Silver Mound sun/wd 6", mid season bloomer, nice mounding form, cut back when foliage gets straggly $ 12.99
Artemesia Sunfern™ Olympia sun/wd/DT-18" Russian Wormwood; deer resist;non invasive $ 12.99
Asarum splendens[Wild Ginger] Ps/M/wd/HR/GC 8" vigorous grower with elongated dark green heart shaped leaves with purple underneath;
Asclepias i Cinderella sun/med- M soils-2-4';pink to dk pink with white crowns;fragrant;good cut; pollinators; Native $ 12.99
Asclepias i Ice Ballet sun/med-2-3' tall; the Incarnata(Swamp Milkweed) a fovourite pollinator especially for the Monarch Butterfly $ 9.99
Asclepias tub Hello Yellow sun/med-2 x 2' attracts bees & butterflies $ 9.99
Asclepias tuberosa sun/wd/M 18", excellent summer blooms; yellow-orange; fragrant & attractive to butterflies $ 5.99
Aster n-b Marie Ballard S/wd-3'-2" fully dbl violet blue fls; X attractive; late blooming; pollinators $ 9.99
Aster n-b Midnight Sky S/wd-3'-2" fully dbl dark blue fls; X attractive; late blooming ; pollinators $ 12.99
Aster n-b Royal Ruby S/wd-3'-2" fully dbl dark red fls; X attractive; late blooming; pollinators $ 9.99
Astilbe a August Light Ps/wd/M - 30" scarlet red foliage with creamy white flowers $ 16.99
Astilbe Delft Lace# Ps/wd/M 3' x 2'-very long, apricot pink flower plumes borne on upright and sturdy bright red stems. $ 16.99
Astilbe j Deutschalnd Ps/wd/M-20"; green foliage; white plumes $ 9.99
Astilbe Moccachino Ps/wd/M-20" reddish stems & foliage; white flowers $ 12.99
Astilbe Rise & Shine Ps/wd/M -27"; Large 8" long, hot pink, pyramidal plumes $ 16.99
Astilbe t Ostrich Plume PS/wd/M-40"coral-rose, arching plumes are very large, open,& drooping; very different than typical astilbe flowers $ 9.99
Astrantia Star of Billions sun-ps/M-2' papery white flowers; long bloom; pollinators $ 16.99
Baptisia australis S/wd/M 3-4' purple, lupine-like flowers in erect racemes (to 12") atop flower spikes $ 12.99
Baptisia Honey Roasted# sun/wd/M-4' gold flowers age into a mahogany at the same time $ 26.99
Baptisia Indigo Spires# sun/wd/M-4'- long purple spikes with deep yellow keel $ 26.99
Bellis Habanera Mix sun/wd 4", continuous 1" blooms, mixture of red, pink & white colors $ 5.99
Bergenia Peppermint Patty s-ps/wd-22"-bright pink flowers have a pink throat , edged in pink $ 26.99
Brunnera Jack Frost Ps/mod M-1x1'- Small, forget-me-not-like flowers of light blue with yellow centres $ 21.99
Cactus Prickly Pear(Optunia sun/V.V.Wd 8", mid season blooms, use high potash to bring into flower, let dry out completely in winter $ 9.99
Calamintha n Mauvette Blue S/wd/avg-12" sweet minty fragrance ; purple flowers that stand up well; pollinators; good cut $ 9.99
Campanula Blue Waterfall PS/loamy 1' x 30" smothering itself all season with lav-blu fls; fast growing GC $ 12.99
Campanula g Freya (Clustered Bellflower) a knee-high clump that bear large clusters of star-shaped, lilac-purple flowers in early summer. Superb for cutting. $ 16.99
Campanula gar Dickson's Gold S-ps/wd/MM-6", clump forming yellow leaves with lavender-blue flowers $ 9.99
Campanula m Champion Blue F sun/wd- compact heavy bloomer with deep, dark, purple-blue, bell shaped flowers. X cut Attracts hummingbirds $ 4.99
Campanula Pearl white (white clip sun-ps-8" opens up to upward facing 'cup-like' blooms..very nice; mid-season blooms $ 5.99
Campanula Rapido Blue blue clip sun-ps-8" opens up to upward facing 'cup-like' blooms..very nice; mid-season blooms $ 5.99
Carnation Grenadine Mix sun/wd/avg 24", mid season blooms, excellent selection, good cut flowers $ 5.99
Centaurea Amethyst Dream S-ps/wd/-20"; radiant royal purple thistle like flowers in spring- E.summer $ 16.99
Centranthus rubra Cocc sun/wd-2'-CTS Old World wildflower with clusters of tiny dark red flower . A tough, durable plant $ 5.99
Cerastium tomentosa sun/dry 5", early bloomer, snow-in-summer, large white flowers, abundant blooming $ 5.99
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides ps-wd/avg-12" Leadwort; late summer deep purple blooms; great for underplanting $ 9.99
Cimicufiga Misty Blue PS/M/HR- 30"-sml reddish stems; blue green foliage with white flowers $ 19.99
Convallaria maj Rosea shade to deep shade/M/wd-8" single waxy bell shaped fragrant flowers..invasive $ 9.99
Coreopsis Double the Sun sun/wd-12-14"- offers X heat and drought tolerance once established;.large semi dbl yellow flowers $ 5.99
Coreopsis g Sunfire sun-wd.-16-18"; upright bushy plant loaded with bright yellow flowers; DH for repeat blooms $ 5.99
Coreopsis Jethro Tull Sun/any/wd/M-12"- blooms profusely early- mid summer golden flowers $ 12.99
Coreopsis Szl&Spc Zesty Zingr# Sun/any/wd/M 18"-starry ivory flowers with magenta red tips $ 12.99
Coreopsis Uptick Red Sun/any/wd/M- 12"-red flowers with yellow edges;cut $ 12.99
Crocosmia Emily McKenzie Sun/30" bright orange flowers with mahogany throat; must be lifted in Fall; NOT hardy $ 12.99
Crocosmia Lucifer 10-12cm sun/wd 30", mid season blooms, long lasting intense red blooms, must be lifted & dried $ 12.99
Darmera peltata Ps/woodland-4-5'- large, glossy, rounded leaves to 18 in. across;Clusters of soft pink flowers appear before the leaves in e sprng $ 9.99
Delosp Granita Raspberry# F sun/wd 5"- a profusion of eye-catching, dime-sized daisy-like flowers …............ $ 12.99
Delosp Red Mountain Flame# F sun/wd 2-3"tall & spreads vigorously 18" Stunning; succulent; Orange & Magenta w white eye $ 12.99
Delphinium Cobalt Dreams sun-ps/wd/M/HR- 4'- bright blue blooms with white bee from early summer to fall $ 12.99
Delphinium Del dkBlue wht B Dasante Blue sun-ps/wd/M/HR- 20"- Dk Blue white B $ 5.99
Delphinium Delphina Pink w Bee[lilac rse sun-ps/wd/M/HR- 20"- Pink w Bee $ 5.99
Delphinium Guardian Blue sun-ps/wd/M/HR-3'5"-tall spikes of satiny flowers. mid-sized with deep-blue petals & strong stems $ 5.99
Delphinium MF Lavender wht B sun-ps/wd/M/HR- 2-3' large semi dbl lavender florets with white B $ 5.99
Delphinium PG Black Knight sun/M/wd- 4-6' dark purple with white bees…. For best results provide staking $ 5.99
Delphinium PG Mix sun-ps/wd/m/hr -7', early to late blooming,flowers are semi-double to double mixed colors $ 5.99
Dian Barbarini Purple Pcot sun/wd/M 8" dwarf, compact,fully winter hardy; Purple Picotee $ 5.99
Dianthus b Barbarini Mix sun/wd/M 8"-dwarf Sw Wm- late summer blooms of pink, white red; DH for more flowers $ 5.99
Dianthus b Rockin Red sun/wd/provide moisture-18" use in baking etc for clove flavoring; barbatus…sweet william $ 5.99
Dianthus b Sw Wm sun/wd/provide moisture-3' Tall old fashioned Dbl Mix of brilliant colors $ 5.99
Dianthus delt Roseus sun/wd/M-8-10"; a rosy-red spreading border plant $ 5.99
Dianthus delt Artic Fire sun/wd/M-10-12"; blooms profusely with frilly white serrated petals surrounding a deep fiery red eye. $ 5.99
Dianthus1st Scent Coconut Surp sun/wd/M-1'- dbl white petals with burgundy red eye & spicy fragrance $ 12.99
Dianthus Pink Fire sun/wd/M -12"-fiery pink, fully dbl flowers & grey green foliage; clove like scent $ 12.99
Dianthus PP Appleblossom Burst sun/wd/M -12" semi dbl color ranging from white to pibk blush; fragrant $ 16.99
Dianthus PP Double Bubble sun/wd/M -12" medium pink flowers with blue-green foliage. Very floriferous and a petite pkg $ 16.99
Dicentra s Alba sun-ps/wd/M/HR 44", mid season blooms, old fashioned bleeding heart, white flowers $ 19.99
Dicentra s Valentine Hordival sun-ps/wd/M/HR-30" deep red heart shaped flowers…Filtered sun best for Bleeding Hearts $ 21.99
Dicentra spectablis sun-ps/wd/M/HR 44", mid season bloomer, old fashioned bleeding heart, pink flowers $ 16.99
Dicentra Sweet Hearts sun-ps/wd/M/HR-16" fern like foliage rosy pink $ 24.99
Dictamus albus Albiflorus Sun-ps/M/HR-2' tall white star shaped spikes; glossy foliage has a Citrus scent; once situated is long lived; plant with Peonies $ 12.99
Digitalis Candy Mntn Rose ps/wd/HR/M-3'-upright spikes of rose-pink, pale throats with darker spots. Early to mid summer 5.99/ 9.99
Digitalis Dalmation Mix ps/wd/M/HR 4', blooms early to late, large bellflowers, dense spikes, healthy & uniform grower. $ 5.99
Digitalis Dalmation Peach ps/wd/M/HR-4'-upright funnel-shaped, soft peach flowers with tiny orange speckled throats.Fast growing. Early to mid flowering $ 5.99
Digitalis Dalmation Purple ps/wd/M/HR-4'-boasting upright spikes of outward facing, lilac purple flowers with maroon spotted throats. Early to mid flowering $ 5.99
Digitalis Dalmation Rose ps/wd/M/HR--4'rose tubular flowers with violet overtones and deep purple spots $ 5.99
Digitalis Dalmation White ps/wd/M/HR4'-The pure-white flowers on the upright stems, have a pretty freckling of plum coloured markings in their throat, $ 5.99
Digitalis Foxy ps/wd/M/HR-2'-Spikes of creamy-white, mauve and pink flowers with spotted throats; Early to mid flowering $ 5.99
Dodecatheon meadia Aphrodite S-PS/wd- 20" bright fuchia fls.reflexed petal giving the allusion of shooting star $ 9.99
Doronicum o Leonardo' Ps/M-2' - uncommon,spring blooming with attractively toothed foliage and daisy-like yellow flowers $ 9.99
Echinacea CCD The Fuch is Brt# sun/wd-20"-4.5" fuchsia flowers with dark cone. Bees, birds,butterflies $ 19.99
Echinacea Dbl Dipd Rnbw Shrbt# sun/wd--3' 4.5" fully double light pink -coral peachbees, birds butterflies $ 19.99
Echinacea pur Som Festa Ornge sun/wd-20" intense orange flowers, 3" across with wide of drooping petals & a copper central cone. $ 12.99
Echinacea pur Cheyenne Spirit sun/wd-26-28"; 2013 AAS ;flower colors purple, pink, red and orange tones to lighter yellows, creams and white $ 4.99
Echinacea pur Green Twister sun/wd-28-36"- green coneflower will show natural variation in the color and size of the green edge $ 4.99
Echinacea pur Magnus super sun/wd 44", mid season blooms, intense red. 1998 plant of the year $ 5.99
Echinacea pur PollyNation Magenta sun/wd- 20" Unique, intense rose flowers with dark rose centre. $ 4.99
Echinacea pur Pow Wow White sun/wd- 20"-Pure white with golden yellow cone'3-4” across with wide overlapping,reflexed petals.Early-late $ 4.99
Echinacea p Ruby Star sun/wd 44", CTS, improved purple coneflower with larger flowers & intense carmine-red color $ 4.99
Echinacea p SS Salmon sun-wd-blooms in rich shades of salmon pink with yellow accents. Butterflies and other beneficial pollinators love this new offering, $ 21.99
Echinacea p Tomato Soup sun/wd-3'-huge profusion of 6" tomato red slightly petals-bees, butterflies, birds $ 21.99
Echinacea pur White Swan sun/wd -white, daisy-like flowers from early summer into early autumn. Its prominent coppery-green central cones $ 5.99
Echinacea pur Prarie Splendor sun/wd-2';rose-pink flowers with 4-6" blooms...will bloom1st year from June to frost..DH $ 4.99
Echinacea Pretty Parasol sun/wd-3'-V. long bloom time; attracts bees.butterflies $ 26.99
Echinacea purpurea sun/wd-2';mauve-purple-pink, drooping petals also used as an herb, makes our own immune cells more efficient $ 5.99
Echinacea Sunny Days™ Lemon sun/wd-20"very heavy flowering'yellow double flowers; frag, attracts pollinators $ 21.99
Echinops rito sun-ps/wd- 4'-clump;blue ball shaped fls;attracted by bumblebees & nocturnal moths $ 4.99
Echium amoenum F sun/D-med wd/15"- hairy lance-shaped leaves topped by striking russet-red flower spikes from late spring to frost $ 12.99
Eryngium a Blue Star sun/wd-3'- heart-shaped, deeply toothed, glossy leaves.Mid to late blooms bear cone-shaped, thistle-like, silver-blue flower heads. $ 9.99
Eryngium planum Blue Glitter sun/wd- 3'-glittering steel blue fls;one of the hardiest & long lived perennials $ 9.99
Eupatorium fi Ivory Towers sun/M/wd -6' domed clusters of tiny, fragrant, creamy-white flower 4.99/pot
Euphorbia myrsinites S/wd-a succulent perennial with sprawling stems of fleshy, blue-green leaves and star-shaped flowers
Euphorbia polychroma sun/wd 16", early blooms, light yellow, lovely color in garden $ 12.99
Euphorbia polychroma Bonfire# sun/wd-14" foliage green, changing to deep maroon. bright yellow bracts in spring $ 19.99
Filipendula rubra Venusta sun- ps/wd/M- 6'-large, elegant sprays of small deep pink flowers; light fragance $ 12.99
Gailardia Arizona Apricot sun/wd/F-12"-early-compact blend of apricot and yellow, a never-before-seen color mix $ 5.99
Gailardia Arizona Sun sun/wd/F-12"dwarf, well branched variety that thrives in dry heat. 3" Burgundy flowers with yellow tips $ 5.99
Gailardia Burgundy sun/wd-12"- wine-red; 3" across; long flowering season $ 9.99
Gailardia Mesa Br Bicolor A sun/wd/F-12"dwarf long flowering season with bright orange yellow daisy-like flowers with red centres $ 5.99
Gailardia Mesa Red A sun/wd/F-12"dwarf, well branched variety that thrives in dry heat. brick red petals and a darker burgundy cone CTS $ 5.99
Galium odoratum Heavy to shady borders or as a GC or edging plant. Edible Can be somewhat aggressive under optimal growing conditions.fragrant $ 9.99
Gaultheria procumbens PS/wd/M- a fragrant evergreen that grows best woodlands and produces red berries in winter. $ 16.99
Gentian Blue Cross sun-ps/poor to avg wd-10"-intense blue violet flowers on compact, durable, drought resistant plants. $ 9.99
Gentian Little Pinkie sun-ps/poor to avg wd-12"-many pink fls mid- late;comapct trumpet shaped fls $ 19.99
Gentian True Blue sun-ps/poor to avg wd 2"-azure blue fls mid- late;compct trumpet shaped fls $ 19.99
Geranium Blue Blood Sun-ps/wd-12" mass of purple-blue flrs with deep red veins spring and summer $ 9.99
Geranium m Crane Dance Sun-ps/wd-2'-single bluish-purple flowers; cut plants back almost to the ground after flowering; red foliage in fall $ 16.99
Geranium Rozanne un-ps/wd-12"-X heat tolerance and showy violet-blue flowers that appear in late spring $ 16.99
Geranium sang. Elke S-ps/wd-10"strong pink flowers, upward facing; long bloom season; deer resistant $ 16.99
Geum Blazing Sunset sun/wd-2'- fully double, scarlet blooms; compact yet vigorous.an excellent cut flower.Perfect border plant $ 9.99
Geum Pretticoats™ Peach Sun-ps/wd/M-12" multiple flushes moisture is important $ 21.99
Gillenia trifoliata PS/ rich/M 2'-upright,featuring reddish stems with starry, dainty white flowers with contrasting red calyces, $ 12.99
Gypsophila Summer Sparkles# sun/wd-30"-Clouds of small white flowers float above densely branched plants from May-October. $ 16.99
Heath & Heather Calluna vulg sun/wd/Ac/ 10-12" mixed selection , blooms in the summer; Heath blooms very early spring $ 12.99
Helenium Dbl Trouble S/wd/M-2' pure bright yellow double flowers;mid to late blooming $ 9.99
Heliopsis Burning Hearts sun/wd/avg/M-4'- unique foliage color& vibrant blooms that reach 3" across mid-late $ 5.99
Heliopsis Sparkling Contrast sun/wd/avg- 2'-False Sunflower; yellow with red centre;attracts bees & butterflies $ 9.99
Helleborus Dbl Ellen White sun-ps/wd/M- large white flowers with pink spots; early spring $ 19.99
Helleborus Wpty True Love sun-ps/wd/M-12" dbl maroon-red flowers that bloom early in spring $ 39.99
Helleborus o Blue Lady sun-ps/wd/M- cup shaped dark blue-purple flowers in late winter -early spring $ 19.99
Hemerocalis Marque Moon sun-ps/avg- 24"- large 5" creamy white blooms with gold edge;mid-late summer $ 21.99
Hemerocalis Rocket City sun-ps/avg- 24"- orange with darker eyezone; attracts pollinators $ 21.99
HEMEROCALLIS - All Varieties Daylilies look better planted in a mixed border T (tetraploid) are higher in bud count not from tissure culture
Hemerocallis Band of Fire sun-ps/avg-30"-right yellow petals with large red eye and massive red edge; mid season & reblooms $ 16.99
Hemerocallis Born To Run sun-ps/avg-28"-mid season, rebloomer; Rich, rosy red flowers have a creamy yellow, incredibly ruffled picotee edge $ 19.99
Hemerocallis ful Kwanso sun-ps/avg-dbl apricot-orange flowers with red markings & yellow eye; mid-late $ 16.99
Hemerocallis Kansas Kitten sun-ps/avg-compact, reblooming,large lavender purple with dark purple eye $ 19.99
Hemerocallis Chicage Fire sun-ps/avg-34"- 6" single orange with red blooms; $ 12.99
Hemerocallis Orange w Ruffles sun-ps/avg-large orange ruffled flowers that blloms early to mid summer T $ 12.99
Hemerocallis Orange Yellow sun-ps/avg- bright orange-yellow blooms $ 12.99
Hemerocallis Dbl Orange sun-ps/avg- dark orange large blooms $ 12.99
Hemerocallis Lies & Lipstick sun-ps/avg-large pink flowers with red eye & red/gold edges; reblooms; T $ 16.99
Hemerocallis Pointed Perfection sun-ps/avg-warm orange petals with pointed red eye T $ 16.99
Hemerocallis Schnickel Fritz sun-ps/avg-16"-dbl white to pale creamy pink flowers with green throat re-bloom $ 16.99
Hemerocallis Simon's Overture sun-ps/avg-2'- lav -rose 6"flowers with satiny deep-plum eyes and matching ruffled edges; mid $ 16.99
Hemerocallis Tequila & Lime sun-ps/avg-bright yellow with green throat, light fragrance; early & reblooms late $ 12.99
Heuchera Cherry Cola PS is best-rust red leaves all season with cherry red flowers; attracts pollinators $ 21.99
Heuchera Timeless Night# PS is best- dark purple,almost black leaves with small pink flowers $ 21.99
Heucherella Pumpkin Spice Ps is best bronze red leaves hold color well ;dark red stems white flowers $ 21.99
Hosta Blue Angel ps/wd/M/HR this selection has huge heart-shaped blue green leaves with near white flowers $ 19.99
Hosta Cool as a Cucumber Bitmap Bitmap ps/wd/M/HR a medium size with green & white foliage ; Lavender flowers $ 19.99
Hosta Emerald Charger ps/wd/M/HR gold centre with wide green margin; lavender purple flowers $ 16.99
Hosta Fire & Ice ps/wd/M/HR -widely oval slightly twisted leaves w white centre green edge;Lav fls $ 12.99
Hosta June ps/wd/M/HR-1' x 2'- wide, bright yellow margins on green leaves. Lavender bell-shaped flowers $ 16.99
Hosta Minuteman ps/wd/M/HR one of the most popular white margin Hosta, lavender flowers $ 26.99
Hosta Paradigm ps/wd/M/HR gold leaves blue green margins; seersuckered; lavender flowers $ 12.99
Hosta S Diamond Lake ps/wd/M/HR-17" heart-shaped, thick & heavily corrugated blue leave,wavy margins. Leaves 9 x11" $ 24.99
Hosta White Feathers ps/wd/M/HR-6"x10"- As it matures, the white leaves transform into a blend of green and cream. Lavender flowers; best in shade $ 16.99
Iberis semp Alexanders White sun/DT-8"- large clusters of pure white flowers;reblooms in fall $ 16.99
Iberis Snowsation Sun-ps/DT-6" masses of large white flowers on glossy leaves Prune lightly right after blooming to keep tidy $ 9.99
Iris e Dinner Plate™ Harlequin sun/M-3'-Massive double blooms are great for growing near water. 6" double blooms are creamy white edged in purple $ 16.99
Iris e Greywoods Catrina sun/M -3'-white flowers with rose violet veins & pink signals $ 12.99
Iris e Variegata sun/M-wet-small dark purple flowers with yellow eye $ 12.99
Iris g Recurring Delight sun/M-3'- rebloom; purple-yellow ruffled, fragrant $ 19.99
Iris g Skyfire sun/M-3' a pure bright orange garden iris, with ruffled, lightly fragrant flowers; reblooms $ 19.99
Iris Louisiana Blk Gamecock sun/M-huge deep purple blooms with gold highlights on each petal; vigorous $ 16.99
Iris p Riveting sun/M-dwarf bearded; Ruffled white with dark blue-purple spot on falls;yellow beard $ 16.99
Iris ps Cat's Eye sun/M-dwarf-clumps of rich rose-red blooms bear deep red centres; earliet to bloom $ 26.99
Iris pseu Tsukiyono sun/M- 3-4'-pale lavender flowers adorned with deep purple eyelash $ 16.99
Iris s Jewelled Crown sun/M- 30"- rich wine purple standards and falls and lighter blue-purple styles; blue & yellow falls $ 12.99
Iris s Paprikash sun-ps/M-20" Violet-peach standards with orange-red falls &deep yellow signals are veined in red 4" flowers $ 12.99
Iris s Pink Parfait sun/M 2'- layered lavender pink blooms pale margins & yellow accents; $ 9.99
Iris s Purplelicious sun/M- 3'-rich velvety purple flowers; blooms late spring into summer; $ 9.99
Iris s Purring Tiger sun/M-18"- dusty lavender petal with golden yellow signal and purple veining $ 16.99
Iris s Sunfisher S-ps/HR/ M- 28"-deep yellow petals with light yellow beard; late spring- E summer $ 16.99
Kniphofia Flamenco Mix sun/wd/f 22", mid to late season blooms, yellow-orange, flamming red $ 5.99
Lavender a Hidcote Superior sun/wd/avg- 20", mid season blooms. Silvery-grey leaves. Best color of all lavenders $ 9.99
Lavender a Munstead sun/wd/avg 14", early to late season blooms, bright lilac-blue flowers, silver-grey foliage. Dwarf 5.99/9.99
Lavender a Super Blue sun/wd-18"-Fragrant rich lavender-blue flowers deliver a soothing scent in early and midsummer. $ 12.99
Lavender a Vicenza Blue sun/wd-fragrant flws of lavender blue make it a favourite for herb gardens and in perennial border $ 5.99
Lavender Ellagance Purple sun/wd/avg-14"-Deep purple flowers on tall spikes bloom right from 1st year, Gold Metal winner for it's deep color $ 5.99
Lavender Ellagance Snow sun/wd-14"-1st year flowering with large white flower spikes. Drought and heat tolerant, its compact foliage and dwarf habit $ 5.99
Lavender i Grosso sun/wd/avg 24", continuous blooming, very fragrant deep violet blooms $ 9.99
Lavender i Phenomenal sun/wd/avg-2', fragrant,multiple lavender blooms, great in containers & a great accent plant. Bees love lavender & butterflies $ 16.99
Leucanthemum Crazy Daisy sun/good drainage-2'-DH-spectacular floral display;early-mid summer;fantastic frilly white flowers $ 5.99
Leucanthemum Madonna sun-/good drainage-10"-beautiful presence of Shasta Daisies for a sunny border . Bright white $ 5.99
Leucanthemum s I C Dream sun/good drainage-16"-intense yellow buds open cream to near white, fully double, pom-pom-like flowers $ 12.99
Leucanthemum s Whoops A Daisy sun-ps/M -15" HUGE 3" white blooms with yellow centers covers the whole mounded plant. $ 12.99
Lewesia c Elise Mix Sun/wd-6"-one of the most treasured rock garden plants. fleshy rosette of tough evergreen leaves, variety of colors & bi-colors $ 9.99
Lewisia Sunset Strain “ WD/6" clusters bloom in sunset shades of yellow, peach, salmon, orange and pink. Best in a cool rock garden setting, $ 9.99
Liatris s Floristan Violet Sun-2'-vivid magenta-purple flower spikes up to a foot long; a staple in cutting garden&bouquets and the perfect choice $ 5.99
Liatris spicata Kobold Orig sun/poor-18"-Liatris is a very strong vertical accent; 'Kobold' is one of the best selections; purple-not grown from seed $ 16.99
Lilies a Landini sun-ps/wd -3'-deep dark red; blooms late spring-early summer $ 9.99
Lilies m Fairy Morning sun-ps/wd 3-4'-pinkish blossoms,peach at centre, burgundy spots Turks cap $ 12.99
Lilies o Josephine sun-ps/wd-4'- V. fragrant up to 10" light pink flowers with dk spots; mid-late bloom $ 9.99
Lilies o Roselily Anouska sun-ps/wd-4'- upward facing white dbl very fragrant with bright pink edges $ 9.99
Lilies Red Velvet sun-ps/wd -4-6'- Tiger; long panicles of velvety deep red petals $ 9.99
Lilies a Sundew sun-ps/wd-2-3'- double yellow; blooms early summer $ 9.99
Lilies a Tiny Padhye sun- very large white with deep reddish stains at base blooms all summer $ 9.99
Linium flavum Compactum sun/wd-15" This superb perennial covers itself with masses of bright golden-yellow flowers all summer long. 5.99/9.99
Lobelia Starship Scarlet sun/wd/HR-2'; Free flowering,floriferous, hummers; scarlet blooms & near black stems 4.99/pot
Lobelia SP cardinalis species of bell flower; red; beautiful around damp areas and water garden edging $ 9.99
Lupine Gallery Blue bi color Sun-Ps/M/N -24"- lovely & showy… they will drop their seed so keep this I mind as to where you plant $ 5.99
Lupin Gallery Mini Pink Bcol Sun-Ps/M/N -24"- lovely & showy… they will drop their seed so keep this I mind as to where you plant $ 12.99
Lupine Gallery Mix Sun-Ps/M/N -24"- lovely & showy… they will drop their seed so keep this I mind as to where you plant $ 5.99
Lupine Gallery Red sun-ps/wd- 28"- so beautiful & bright in the garden $ 5.99
Lupine Gallery Yellow sun-ps/wd-18"- lovely & showy..will drop their seed so keep this in mind $ 5.99
Lysmachia Night Light sun/wd-123", compact, yellow flowers, summer blooming $ 16.99
Malva Zebrina sun-ps/wd/S l4-5' large, red flame blossoms, up to 7",recurved tepals tipped in buttery yellow $ 9.99
Monarda Balmy™ Lilac sun-ps/wd/M/HR-12" PM resis Bright compact flowers; attract butterflies, hummers $ 16.99
Monarda Balmy™ Purple sun-ps/wd/M/HR-12" PM resis Bright compact flowers; attract butterflies, hummers $ 16.99
Monarda Balmy™ Rose sun-ps/wd/M/HR-12" PM resis Bright compact flowers; attract butterflies, hummers $ 16.99
Monarda Jacob Cline sun-ps/wd/M/HR-3'-heads of long tubular deep red flowers.One of the best mildew resistant varieties $ 9.99
Monarda Panorama Mix sun-ps/wd/M/HR- 42", mid season blooms, popular bee plants $ 5.99
Monarda Panorama Red sun-ps/wd/M/HR 42", Red mid season blooms, popular bee & hummer plants $ 5.99
Monarda Pink Lace sun-ps/wd/M/HR-16"- Pink flowers, purple centres; fragrant;Bees, B'flies etc $ 16.99
Monarda Red sun-ps/wd/M/HR-30"- Bright spiky hairdo blooms…. Can spread $ 5.99
Monarda Snow White sun-ps/wd/S-30" an older variety but still remains one of the best 'whites'; blooms mid summer to late fall $ 9.99
Montauk Daisy sun/wd-28", Nipponanthemum; fall blooming pure white fls with yellow centres.Very nice; deer & pest resistant $ 12.99
Muhlenburgin Undaunted Sun-30"; blooms late with nice bright pink heads. May self seed $ 12.99
Myosotis Bellamy Blue sun-ps/wd/HR-6-8"- clusters of sky-blue flowers bloom early in the spring. $ 5.99
Nepeta Purrsian Blue# sun-ps/wd/HR -18"- compact & tidy, blooms summer into the fall, nice fragrant $ 16.99
Nepeta Cat's Pajamas# sun-ps/wd-12"-ball-shaped habit carries long, dark flower stems that hold indigo blue flowers.Early blooming $ 16.99
Nepeta Kitten Around sun-ps/wd-12" deep blue flowers summer & into the fall; use in containers as well $ 9.99
Nepeta r Walker's Low sun-ps/wd-2-3'- high performance & low maintenance variety; $ 16.99
Nipponanthemum leu. Montauk Daisy... See Montauk Daisy
Oenothera Yella Fella sun/wd-12" bright yellow flowers. Attractive to bees, butterflies $ 9.99
Opuntia polyacantha sun/V.V.Wd 8", mid season blooms, use high potash to bring into flower, let dry out completely in winter[prickly pear] $ 9.99
Peony l Francois Ortegat sun/wd/M-3' old-fashioned large double flowers of vibrant crimson pink;mid spring-mid summer; v little fragrance $ 26.99
Papaver n Champagne Bubbles sun-ps/wd/HR/M-18" usually self-seed and come back year after year;mixture of orange, yellows. white, red's $ 5.99
Papaver or Beauty of Livermore sun-ps/wd/HR-3'- large, crepe papery, cup-shaped, scarlet red flowers with a dark eye and black splotches at their $ 5.99
Papaver or Brilliant sun best/wd/HR/ 36" provide a cheerful display of huge brilliant scarlet red satiny flowers in l.spring and e summer. $ 5.99
Papaver o Harvest Moon sun-ps/wd/hr/M/18"- deep, rich tangerine shade that stand out wildly in the garden. $ 9.99
Papaver o Pizzcato Mix sun best//wd/hr This compact-growing strain features flowers in shades of white, pink, salmon and scarlet $ 5.99
Papaver o White Ruffles sun/wd- 12-16" highly ruffles, white, spring blooming s new introduction $ 12.99
Papaver or Vict Louise[Fruit Punch sun-ps/wd/HR- 6- " bold salmon round flowers with black eyes at the ends of the stems $ 5.99
Papaver orientale sun best/wd/HR-3' huge, silky-satin flowers in shades of red, orange, white or pink. Plant in small groups for best display $ 9.99
Papaver o Red Rumble sun-ps/wd/hr/M/ 30" super sized vibrant red; disease resistent; $ 16.99
Peony l Raspberry Sundae sun/wd/M- 36" 10" bomb sized blooms are sweetly fragrant; a best seller; Early $ 26.99
Peony lact Alexander Fleming sun/wd/M- 3' X fragrant, numerous side buds; rose-pink ; mid season blooms $ 39.99
Peony lact Festiva Maxima sun/wd/M- 3'- fragrant; fully double; white with crimsom flecks L. spring- E summer $ 39.99
Perovskia atrip Bl Jean Baby# sun/dry/wd- 3' lavender blue flowers; fragrant, deer resistant; fills in quickly $ 16.99
Pervoskia a Crazy Blue sun/dry/wd-18"-compact& colorfu & easy care for, border or mass planting. Violet-blue flower spikes $ 12.99
Perovskia atrip Denim n Lace# sun/dry/wd-3'- Lacey blue flowers, aromatic foliage; hummers & butterflies $ 19.99
Perovskia atriplicifolia sun/dry/wd-15" -masses of lavender colored flowers on aromatic stems; Pervoskias love the heat $ 16.99
Phlox Fashnbly Erly Crystal# sun/dry/AM-3' -white flowers with a faint light purple eye; Early blooming into fall $ 16.99
Phlox p Flame® Coral sun/dry/AM-18" fragrant -eye catching, bright flowers bloom for weeks; mid-late $ 12.99
Phlox p Flame® Pink sun/dry/AM-18" fragrant -eye catching, bright flowers bloom for weeks; mid-late $ 12.99
Phlox p Flame® Purple sun/dry/AM-18" fragrant -eye catching, bright flowers bloom for weeks; mid-late $ 12.99
Phlox p Flame® Red sun/dry/AM-18" fragrant -eye catching, bright flowers bloom for weeks; mid-late $ 12.99
Phlox p David sun/dry/AM -up to 4'- fragrant pure white free flowering;attractive to pollinators $ 12.99
Phlox s Amazing Grace sun/dry/AM 4"- starry, pure white flowers with a tiny purple eye. It's amazing! $ 12.99
Phlox s Candy Stripes sun/dry/ 4"- is a delightful evergreen perennial with masses of candy pink and white striped flowers which $ 12.99
Phlox p Flame® Blue sun/wd/m-12-20" fragrant,blue&white petals opening from dark blue buds, mid $ 12.99
Phlox s Emerald Pink sun/dry/ -4"- masses of starry, hot-pink flowers which blanket the dark green, needle-like foliage in mid to late spring. $ 12.99
Phlox s Goldiphlox Cherry sun/dry/AM- 3-6"- dark pink spring blooms $ 12.99
Phlox s Red Wings sun/dry/ 4"-an eye-catching, evergreen perennial with masses of starry, pinkish-crimson flowers adorned with dark red center eyes. $ 12.99
Phlox s Scarlet Flame sun/dry/ 4"- is an incredibly eye-catching evergreen perennial with masses of vibrant scarlet-red flowers, $ 12.99
Phlox s Spring Scarlet sun/wd/m-6" eye-catching evergreen perennial with masses of vibrant scarlet-red flowers $ 12.99
Phlox s Vida's pink sun/wd/m-6"..excellent early rock garden plant; bright pink $ 12.99
Phlox s Violet Pinwheels sun/wd 4-6" Alpine Phlox-vivid purple; blooms very early; a prolific bloomer $ 12.99
Physalis alk v Franchetti sun/wd/m 24", late season blooms, Chinese Lantern, this can be invasive but it is lovely in fall bouquets 4.99-9.99
Platycodon Astra Double Blue sun-ps/wd-a short dwarf balloon flower with double periwinkle-blue flowers in summer $ 5.99
Platycodon Astra Pink sun-ps/wd-a short dwarf balloon flower with semi-double bright pink flowers in summer $ 5.99
Platycodon Astra White sun-ps/wd-10"-Single, white, star-shaped flowers have dark blue lines centred in each petal; Dwarf, compact mound $ 5.99
Polygonatum o Ruby Slipper shade/wd/M/Hr-20" clump forming fragrant white drooping flowers with red stems $ 29.99
Potentila Gibson's Scarlet sun/any -18" bears clusters of single, extremely vibrant red flowers all summer $ 9.99
Primula denticulata sun-ps/wd/M-12"-dense rounded heads of lilac, purple,blue,pink,white colors
Primula Oakleaf Yellow Picotee sun-ps/wd/M upright clump of br yellow flowers with orange-red edges in early spring. Prefers the cool weather season. $ 16.99
Primula Princess Mix sun-ps/wd/M-10"-Bright flowers are yellow, maroon, lavender, white, pink, or blue-violet, most have large eyes of a contrasting color $ 5.99
Pulmonaria Raspberry Frost p shade/Hr/M-6-8"- silver spotted, lance-shaped leaves and giant cobalt-blue flowers in early spring and continue for months. $ 16.99
Pulmonaria Twinkle Toes morning sun/wd-16" Light periwinkle blue flowers. Dark green leaves; silver sprinkling. Low, mounded habit $ 16.99
Pulsitila v Alba sun/wd-8" -boasting large, bell-shaped, pure white flowers, up to 3" on short stems in early spring. $ 9.99
Pulsitila v Rubra sun/wd-8" boasting large, bell-shaped, redflowers, up to 3 ", on short stems in early spring. $ 9.99
Pulsitila v Violet sun/wd-8" boasting large, bell-shaped, purple-violet flowers, up to 3 ", on short stems in early spring. $ 9.99
Pycanthemum muticum HR/M PS3' one of the best nectar sources for native butterflies ;not invasive $ 12.99
Rodgersia p Choclate Wings dappled shade/M/hr-2'-it produces big plumes of glowing deep-pink flowers in early summer, $ 19.99
Rudbeckia Autumn Colors sun/wd/M-2'-Bicoloured shades of burgundy and yellow petals surrounding a dark cone $ 5.99
Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy sun/wd/M- unique cherry to deep-red blooms that are 2-3” wide.gives impressive garden performance mid summer 5.99-9.99
Rudbeckia Pawnee Spirit [Denver Daisy sun/wd-M-10" golden flowers, 3"rich mahogany w dark chocolate cone from early summer to frost. Blooms Profusely early to late $ 5.99
Rudbeckia f Goldblitz(goldstrum) sun-ps/wd/M-30" Large 3-4" deep golden-yellow flowers with black cones. Plants bloom midsummer into fall..easy to grow 4.99/pot
Rudbeckia l Goldquelle sun-ps/wd/M-2'- dark green leaves and bright lemon-yellow, fully double flowers $ 9.99
Rudbeckia n Herbstonne sun-ps/wd/M-6'- yellow, daisy-like flowers all summer & fall $ 9.99
Sagina Crispy sun/v.wd/gritty 5", mid season blooms, very small white flower, soft light green foliage, good ground cover $ 5.99
Salvia Blue by You sun/wd/M- 2' Long, bright blue flower spikes.DH- remove spent flowers $ 9.99
SalviaSP nem Bumbleberry# sun/wd/ M -12"-dark fuchsia pink flowers on dark wine purple stems; type of Sage $ 19.99
Salvia n New Dimension Rose sun/wd/ M -16"-sheer back spent blooms and watch the many times this dark pink beauty will rebloom $ 19.99
Salvia n New Dimensions Blue sun/wd/M-18"-chubby spikes of deep and intense violet-blue flowers appearing in late spring. Fragrant-polinators $ 5.99
SalviaSP Fshnsta Ballerina Pk# sun/wd/M-18"- soft pink flowers that are held by dark mauve pink calyxes. $ 19.99
SalviaSP Fshnsta Evng Attire# sun-wd/M-20" is the darkest, most vibrant blue Salvia of this collection $ 19.99
SalviaSP n Bumbleblue# sun-wd/M-14" spikes of violet blue flowers with dark purple calyces in E summer. $ 19.99
SalviaSP Pink Profusion# sun-wd/M-14-16" Dark violet-pink flowers on darker pink calyxes $ 19.99
Sanguisorba Little Angel sun/ps/F/M/wd-3'-clump-forming perennial with profuse and attractive fluffy, reddish-pink, bottlebrush flowers $ 16.99
Saponaria ocy Snow Tip sun/wd 4"- loose clusters of white flowers with small green leaves; blooms in spring $ 5.99
Saponaria ocymoides sun/wd 6", early blooms, good ground cover, cut back hard for re-bloom, excellent for walls 5.99/9.99
Saxifragia Touran™ Pink sun/wd/M/Hr/gritty-8"-small rosy pink flowers with yellow greenish centre; spring $ 12.99
Scabiosa c Butterfly Blue sun-ps-18"-delicate foliage & br lavender-blue flowers; early April; pollinators $ 9.99
Sedum After Dark sun/dry-18" deep purple near black foliage;black buds will open to garnet red flowers $ 19.99
Sedum Autumn Fire sun/dry-2'-less 'floppy' than Autumn Joy' green flowers change to rose pink in fall $ 12.99
Sedum Little Miss Sunshine# sun/dry-5"- thick dark green leaves with yellow starry flowers; early-mid summer $ 16.99
Sedum s Voodoo sun/dry 6" GC deep red, evergreen foliage, and rose-pink summer flowers. $ 5.99
Sedum Sunspark Dream Dazzler sun/wd-6"leaves change color,dark-light purple-blue green, depending on light $ 16.99
Sempervivum Mix sun'wd- 4"-mixture of differet varieties & colors $ 16.99
Sempervivum Ruby Heart sun/wd/fertile-4"- deep burgundy succulent $ 9.99
Sidalcea Brilliant sun-ps/wd-2'- related to Hollyhocks but smaller. Brilliant has satiny pink spikesDH hard $ 9.99
Silene Clifford Moor sun-ps/wd/ variegated or yello leaves with pink flowers; L spring-E summer;bees $ 12.99
Silene r Rolly's Fav sun-ps/wd-14"- lovely clump of soft foliage with tall stems topped by bright pink flower clusters. long-lasting in the garden $ 12.99
Solidago x Little Lemon sun/wd/any-14"-one of the most compact forms of goldenrod on the market today,lemon-yellow plumes on upright stems $ 12.99
Stachy's byzantina sun-ps/wd-20"-soft, felty silver grey leaves. Upright spikes of magenta-pink flowers form in early summer, $ 5.99
Stachys monieri Hummelo S-ps/wd-20"-scalloped leaves & spikes of purplish-pink flowers;summer; pollinators $ 12.99
Tanacetum Robinson Red s-ps/wd- up tp 3'- Painted daisy showy large red flowers; attracts beneficials & deer resistant $ 9.99
Thalictrum Yulia Ps/M/hr-28"-lacy, refined, bluish-green foliage and its dense panicles of pink, white or purple fluffy flowers. $ 19.99
Thymus p Coccineus sun/wd/N-alk ornamental GC.a dense, flat mat of evergreen, dark green leaves that are smothered in bright magenta-red flowers $ 16.99
Thymus psued Wolly sun/wd/N-alk 5", early season blooms, grey-green color, soft fuzzy leaf with lavender flower $ 9.99
Thymus semp Mother of(Wild Thyme) sun/wd/N-alk 12", mid season blooms, , fragrant, ground cover & between stones $ 5.99
Tiarella Finger Paint Ps/M-9"Each leaf is deeply lobed with pointy edges, with an overall lacy texture. The centers of the leaves have burgundy blotches, like handprint made with paint. Ivory flowers $ 16.99
Tradescantia a Snowcap sun/shade/wd/M -2' -beautiful white Spiderwort DH for lasting performance- versatile garden displays $ 9.99
Tradescantia Concord Grape sun/shade/wd/M -2' beautiful deep purple Spiderwort DH for lasting performance- versatile garden displays $ 12.99
Tradescantia Pink Chablis sun/shade/wd/M -2' beautiful bright pink Spiderwort DH for lasting performance- versatile garden displays $ 12.99
Trollius c Golden Queen shady-ps/M/BOG-3'-bowl-shaped golden orange flowers; L spring-E summer $ 12.99
Trollius e Superbus S-ps/M/bog16" -Lemon-yellow buttercup like flowers; L.spring-E.summer $ 9.99
Trollus Alabaster sun-ps/M-24"-An exceptional variety of globeflower presenting large fabulous golden yellow blooms $ 12.99
Uvularia grandiflora shade-Ps/HR/M-2' clusters of nodding, narrowly bell-shaped pale yellow flowers,1.5" Late spring blooming $ 12.99
Valerian off sun/any-5"-VV fragrant lacy off white flowers.V.invasive, DH spent flowers quickly $ 9.99
Verbascum c Wedding Candles sun/avg M/wd-3' compact variety with candelabra like spikes of white blooms with fuzzy purple centers and orange anthers, $ 5.99
Veronia Sky Blue sun/wd-18"-dense upright habit; high bud count; CTS, spring - summer bloom 4.99/pot