2024 Evergreens
Please note: errors in pricing can happen, all prices final at checkout.
Wd – Well drained
M – Moist
W – Woodland
HR – Humus Rich
DH – Deadhead
S – Sandy
PS – Part Shade
FS – Full Sun
P – Poor
LM – Leaf Mold
F – Fertile
MT – Moisture Retentive
X – Excellent
Gc – Ground Cover
N – Neutral
AC – Acid
A – Alkaline
^ – Winter Protection
PS – usually means that it will require early morning sun & not noonday sun.
BOLD – indicates new this year!
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Image | Species | Culture | | |
| Chamaecyparis n Pendula | sun/wdPs /slightly A-33'x10'w,X specimen tree,Pyramidal;pendulous tips Flat sprays with tip upward | 199.99 /7g | |
| Juniper h Blue Chip | sun/wd/modM up to 12" h x 6' wide sprawlng silvery blue evergreen | 66.99 /3g | |
| Juniper h Blue Rug Wiltoni | sun/wd up to 6" x 8', fast grower | 56.99 /2g | |
| Juniper v Blue Arrow | sun/wd/modM-15' x 2'w- fast growing, dense branching holding bright, blue-green foliage and silvery berries | 69.99 /2g | |
| Larix pendula | SN-wd/avg-up to 30' x 20'w-the new shoots are pink to reddish pink; Larch looses it's needles each fall & buds out early spring | $269.99 | |
| Picea p Blue GlaucaThe Blues | sun/wd modM-6' x 6' weeping, slow growing,bright blue needles | 159.99 /3g | |
| Taxus m Hicksii | sun-18'- dense shrub of narrowly columnar habit when young, becoming wider with age; does well with pruning | 66.99 /2g | |
| Thuja Danika Globe Eastern | Sun-ps/ average maintenance no pruning required 2 x 2', dense globe shaped, bright green | 49.99 /2g | |
| Thuja o Northern Spire | Sun-ps/avg-up to 16' compact Western Cedar, dark green glossy foliage turning red in fall & winter | 169.99/7g | |
| Picea a Little Gem | sun/wd modM-in 10 years this shrub will be of growth will measure 1' x 18"; X Rock Garden specimen; Green | $99.99 | |
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Helpful Hints
The browning on Cedars could be mites (usually towards the front of the limb looks thin & on the new growth), use Safers End-All-spring & fall. If browning is on inside of limb & older growth, it could be too thick growth- all cedars should have Lime spring & fall, no matter the age – water well into fall. All cedars are heavy feeders & should be fed every 3 weeks with 20-20-20 (the blue stuff, dissolves in water) up until the end of July OR you can use a dry fertilizer for the first feed in the early spring (a proper tree & shrub fertilizer) & then continue with 20-20-20 as above, every 3 weeks.