2024 Broadleaf Evergreens
Please note: errors in pricing can happen, all prices final at checkout.
Key Terms:
Wd – Well drained
M – Moist
W – Woodland
HR – Humus Rich
DH – Deadhead
S – Sandy
PS – Part Shade
FS – Full Sun
P – Poor
LM – Leaf Mold
F – Fertile
MT – Moisture Retentive
X – Excellent
Gc – Ground Cover
N – Neutral
AC – Acid
A – Alkaline
^ – Winter Protection
PS – usually means that it will require early morning sun & not noonday sun.
BOLD – indicates new this year!
Helpful Hints
Some of these plants need need a burlap protection in the winter. Always use proper Broadleaf food and only early in the season.
Rhoddo/Azalea do not use any miticides- never water over the top of leaves; Fertilize with proper Rhoddo food,NOT Aluminun Sulphate..FERTILZE RHODO’S IN SPRING AFTER FLWERING & IN JULY.
Leaf chewing Beetles-use Diatomaceous Earth or Horticultural Oil; mulch to provide sufficient moisture.
Leaves turn black and stem starts getting black – Botrytis, usually caused by roots not taking up water each time you water it makes the problem worse. Usually caused by real wet winters & then we get a period of real hot weather. Cut back beyond the black. Supply good air circulation & practice good sanitation…deadhead decaying flowers
Holly – female hollies have a ‘bump in the middle of the flower-male hollies have an indent in the middle of the flower. For best results use proper fertilizer for Hollies-One male Holly will fertilize 5-6 females if stems are not black. Give 2 feedings[no more] of All Purpose Miracle Gro This is good advice for all dead-looking trees/shrubs.
Every 3 years the hollies will shed the older leaves. If, for whatever reason hollies completely de-foliate, they will usually return. Using proper fertilizer is important to the nutrient supply for the plant. Usually sold in small size packages Aluminun Sulphate is NOT a fertilizer, it is for acidifying the soil.